Essay on air pollution

Essay on air pollution

We present to you the best essay on air pollution for students and children.

The essay on air pollution

Air is the most important element for all living organisms, and yet most people play a major role in polluting this essential resource.

Air pollution can be as dangerous as nuclear pollution or water pollution, but in the long run, it will have a huge impact on the environment and the health of organisms living on the planet. Asthma, cancer, and disabilities from improper photosynthesis are just some of the causes of polluted air. The air pollutants with the greatest negative effect on the environment are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust particles, radioactive isotopes, and chlorofluorocarbons.

The main sources that produce carbon monoxide are automobile exhaust, fossil fuel combustion, and the oxidation of natural methane. Carbon dioxide caused by consuming only fossil fuels leads to a possible greenhouse effect that leads to global warming. Hydrocarbons are caused by burning oil and gasoline, and this affects the environment by releasing large amounts of negative carcinogens.

Carcinogens are chemical elements that cause cancer. Sulfur dioxide is certainly considered one of the major air pollutants, and it causes burning eyes, lung damage, asthma, and acid rain. This is the result of coal-fired power plants. Nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust cause pneumonia and asphyxia. Exhaust from well-known dust particles is often underestimated. It is caused by work, industrial smokestacks, car exhausts, and volcanic eruptions, and it affects the environment with toxic effects and lung damage.

Radioactive isotopes that are caused by nuclear waste and nuclear accidents have carcinogenic effects on the environment. The result of the Chernobyl disaster, which was first discovered in the 1980s, is that it destroys the ozone layer. Many of these major atmospheric pollutants combine to produce the dangerous and well-known fumes and gases we call smog.

Smog and dust domes most often form when a layer of cold air is trapped under a layer of even warmer air. A mixture of benzopyrene (a cancer-causing substance produced by the evaporation of gasoline), waste hydrocarbons, combined with nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, and sunlight produce photochemical smog that can be reflected as a yellow cloud over every major city in the world.

In addition to this optical effect, it causes an increase in ozone in the lower layers of the atmosphere and the health of the particular organism living in such an area. For example, it is believed that “Moscow receives 10% less light than in past centuries due to the protection of air pollution”. In addition to this, it causes skin cancer in people. And this all increases the acidity of the rain, which is mainly caused by the rise of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which subsequently penetrates the clouds. Some acid is added to this polluted rain due to dissolved carbon dioxide, after which the polluted rain becomes very acidic.

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The effects of acid rain on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems can be very different. “In Scandinavia, which receives a large share of air pollution from Britain, scientists have noted that productive lakes are now completely devoid of fish. In addition to the direct effects on the water, acid rain carries metal ions such as aluminum, which is very toxic and dangerous to fish families. Acid rain reduces the growth of trees and robs plants of their ability to photosynthesize, which destroys them in the long run. It also reduces the activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

In the case of a nuclear accident or war, the main risks really lie only in part in air pollution and air as a carrier of contaminated particles. The main risks relate to inhalation of contaminated particles, deposition of radioactive isotopes on soil with subsequent incorporation into food, and contamination of water sources.

The outcomes of all of these contaminants are enormous. Smoke from automobile engines that contain lead, which causes brain damage in children, burning eyes, lung damage, patient deaths are increasing every year, and the destruction of entire forests include just a few examples of the effects of environmental air pollution. There are many ways to limit and reduce air pollution, and it’s not a lack of technology, but people’s unwillingness to change their attitude toward nature and lifestyle.

There is a wide range of technology for effective air pollution. Dust emissions can and should be controlled with filters that remove particulate matter and the gases are diverted. Low sulfur, fuels can be used to reduce sulfur emissions from coal-fired power plants. For all other types of waste produced that are emitted during manufacturing into the air, the technology provides a wide range of filters that can remove 80-95% of the sulfurous gas.

Controlling emissions of the most common pollutants, cars, can be more effective. Of course, there are large companies that produce the most waste and cause the most pollution, but to change and reduce air pollution, each of us needs to change our attitudes and be more responsible when protecting the environment.

If people are less greedy for money and willing to provide a safe and clean environment for the children of tomorrow, then our nature can be improved, which would be good for the whole world.

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