essay on father

Essay on father

We present to you the best essay on father for students and children.

The essay on father

I am proud of my dad. He is wise and smart, tall and handsome, very strong, touching and polite. Daddy loves me and my mom very much.

My dad is the best, his name is Ruslan. He is a very cheerful and cheerful person. We like to do something together. When my mom is at work, my dad and I cook her a delicious dinner. On weekends all family goes to the park: we eat cotton candy or ice cream, go for rides, in general, we have fun as we can. Once at the shooting range my dad won me a big teddy bear. By character, my father and I are similar together we like to play board games: monopoly, checkers, dominoes, and chess. On vacations, we go fishing. I almost learned how to pitch a tent. Last week my dad and I caught a huge carp. And my mom made us a delicious soup.

My dad works as a carpenter in a furniture factory. Ruslan makes furniture. First, he grinds the wood, then, gives the wood the right color, and covers it with fabric or leather. He puts all the pieces together and the result is wonderful furniture. Closets, sofas, chairs, tables are all the work of Ruslan’s father. He is a master in his craft!

I love my daddy and call him “Daddy” fondly. I feel good with him! He will always be a role model.

The essay on father variant 2

We owe a lot to our parents. They took care of us when we were very young and could not appreciate their care, they were support and backbone in all our endeavors and aspirations. Lucky are those children who were followed everywhere by both of their earthly guardian angels: mom and dad. What does the father mean in the life of each child? After all, it’s not just a man who brings in money and sometimes plays chess or video games with you. No. Personally, my dad has done and does a lot for me.

My dad always works hard and we don’t often get to sit together for hours. I don’t regret this fact at all, because what matters is not the amount of time, but the meaning with which it was spent. I love it when my father, when he comes home from work, simply asks about my school day or where I went for a walk today; I rarely complain about my problems, because I realize that I am perfectly capable of handling them myself. I think I got my quality of not complaining about minor problems from him. He rarely gets discouraged or depressed. How can a real man show constant weakness in front of his children? I like our “heart to heart” conversations. He is rarely angry with me, and if he gets angry, it is always about the case. Most of the time I realize that I was wrong.

I can only fight and quarrel with my mother. I have small, minor problems with her in my relationships. I can’t stand it when she puts them on my father’s radar. She always makes me look guilty, and my father thinks I don’t respect my mother. I have never understood how a father of the family could raise his hand against the people close to him. My dad has never laid a finger on anyone, even in a fit of anger. And it’s not because he’s soft and can’t be firm when he needs to be. No, it’s not that at all! I just think that most problems can be solved without physical force. My mom says my dad is thick-skinned and can’t be gentle. I would agree with her here, because, really, Dad can’t always get a look or show discernment.

You know what I love the most? My birthdays. No matter how old I am, I can always feel like a little girl on that particular day. When I was a kid, my parents would always come early in the morning to greet me. Dad would always hug me and say a few strongly-worded words for the coming year. It was then and there that all his tenderness and fatherly concern showed itself. I didn’t need his pestering attentiveness all year round. It was only on my birthday that I could, and still do, feel like Daddy’s little girl.

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What does my dad look like? Hmm, I shouldn’t say, “My dad is the strongest and most handsome. It’s obvious to everyone. My father’s appearance is the most ordinary. He is of medium height, with short-cropped hair, a hairstyle he still has from the army, and brown eyes with a deep undertone. It’s not even the color or the shape of his eyes that matters, but the expression with which they look at you. Sometimes my father looks at me with such a stern look that it makes me want to hide and not show up. Sometimes good-natured chuckles are playing in his eyes, or a spark of busyness and diligence. It’s hard to even put into words the expressiveness of my dad’s eyes. One thing I can say, I’m very glad I got his eyes.

Finally, I can say that I love my daddy very much and I am immensely happy that he is always with me.

The essay on father variant 3

Dad is an important word in everyone’s life. It is just as weighty as a mother. How good it is to have a father. After all, he will help you with good advice, save you from a moment of danger, teach you what your mother can never teach you. He will help make a broken toy, teach you how to drive a car, take you fishing and even put a worm on a fishing rod.

Daddy has so many things to do. Who, except Daddy, will throw up to the ceiling that the soul sinks, who will catch up and tickle, who will take a kitten out of a tree. Who isn’t afraid even on the darkest street. How not to love him for all this.

Papa – how proud that word sounds. How happy he is when his long-awaited baby utters the first word addressed to him. How proud he is to tell all his companions about this most important event. He helps his beloved son grow up to be a brave, real man. One who knows how to stand up for his honor, no matter what.

Daddy raises his daughter as true happiness. She is to him tender care and something to be protected. His daughter is dearer to Daddy than the world’s biggest diamond. She is his berry and bunny, girl and kitty. Daddy can even braid her hair.

It is often said that dads love more than sons, especially firstborns. Eh, what a fallacy that is. For a real daddy, a child, whether a son or a daughter, is the most precious thing that fate has given him. A boy is an heir, a daughter is a balm for the soul. The father is a role model for the sons. He represents courage, intelligence, determination, caring.

For every daughter, dad is the strongest man in the world, who will not let anyone hurt her. He is the best. Many girls choose their husbands by daddy’s example. Every child needs a daddy. He is a support for the whole family. And every father must understand very clearly the treasure that God has entrusted into his hands. Raising a child is a huge responsibility and happiness, which, unfortunately, is not given to everyone.

That is why fathers must value every moment, every second spent with their child. And let him be well into his twenties. Parents and children must appreciate each other, learn patience and love.

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