Essay on nature

Nature: A Fascinating Look

We present to you the best essay on nature for students.

The essay on nature

Nature is beautiful and multifaceted. It surrounds us everywhere, but often we do not notice its beauty, passing by, all the time rushing somewhere, immersed in our own affairs and worries, which seem to us very important.

Nature is amazing and unique. You can notice it on any street in the city, but especially in the forest. It’s enough to take one day and go with your family or friends, even alone, to the nearest forest. See what a huge number of animals and birds live in our latitudes, appreciate the diversity of plants. Remarkably, this can be done at any time of the year – our forests are always amazing and beautiful. In spring – when nature wakes up and the land in the forest is covered with a thick blue carpet of snowdrops. In summer, when everything in the forest lives and breathes, filling it with its voices. In autumn, when the forest changes its magnificent green attire to no less beautiful yellow with shades of scarlet. In winter – when everything is covered with a sparkling white blanket, but, nevertheless, continues to live. It’s well worth your time.

Man, too, is part of nature, regularly forgetting that. Unfortunately, pollution and the destruction of animal habitats are the results of human activity and irresponsibility. Man destroys the ecosystem without thinking about the fact that he destroys his home because the planet is the cradle of humanity.

I think that protecting the environment and sustaining nature is the task of each of us. If we all do our part, we can preserve the diversity of life on our planet and not let species that are unfortunately dying out due to human fault disappear without a trace. Today there are many organizations involved in the preservation of nature and saving endangered species. But even if you are not a member of these organizations, anyone can help to save nature. It is not difficult to plant a tree or carry garbage to a trash garbage can.

The essay on Nature Part 2

Nature is a universe that came into being independent of human desire and activity. Nature is the forest, sea, flowers, mountains, fields, birds, animals, and fish. Nature is the most valuable thing that mankind has. Man himself is a part of nature.

Unfortunately, people use the riches of nature and rarely think that it should be protected. Such gifts of nature as clean fresh air, freshwater, fertile soil are heavily polluted by human activities. And these resources are polluted not only by plants, factories, and automobiles growing at a tremendous rate but also by us, ordinary people.

It often happens that places of recreation, where people traditionally go with their families to relax in nature, turn into garbage dumps of food and household waste. In the process of rotting and decomposition of such waste secretes toxic substances that then enter the rivers and lakes from which we take water to drink.

We need to take care of nature, not to be lazy and dispose of household waste in special places designated for this purpose.

In fact, nowadays people think very hard about how to do as little harm to nature as possible from their activities. Scientists are developing waste-free production, applying energy-saving technologies both in industry and at home, developing ecological protection of flora and fauna. A huge problem of our time is the deterioration of the ecological state of nature, which has a detrimental effect directly on human health. Therefore, every year representatives of the scientific world of different countries gather at various conferences to find solutions to preserve ecology at a high rate of industrial development.

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All states in general and every person should take care of immeasurable natural resources. While chasing after money, people stop noticing that they are killing all living things on the planet, which can never be recovered. We should stop and think about the fact that if you don’t stop now, throwing garbage, and treat nature without respect, then the next generations will have to live in a desert and never know what clean air, forest, and water are. To take care of nature means to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and your future descendants!

The essay on Nature Part 3

Human life has long been very closely connected with nature. And it is not surprising. Everything that surrounds us is nature.

As soon as we open our eyes in the early morning our active communication with nature begins. A ray of sunshine casts a subtle, unobtrusive shadow on the wall. It means that outside the window a new day is dawning. It beckons to explore uncharted lands.

But here you are already on your feet! The wide steppe enchants you with the beauty and fragrance of wildflowers, the smell of cut grass. The Russian steppe has always been considered a symbol of freedom. The proud eagles soaring over it give you a sense of peace and confidence.

The nature of the forest is also unique! You can find such mystery and magic charm nowhere else. In the woods, you can see amazing plants, which could safely compete in their beauty and unusualness with varieties of flowers and other crops bred by people.

And what a delight the human ear gets in the woods! One can only dream of such a variety of voices. The wind blows and the tops of the trees sway. From far away their loud whispering is heard. And here the raindrops violently slap the leaves with their resilience. It resembles a drum roll. The old capercaillie is rather crowing, rejoicing at the long-awaited rain. Undoubtedly, birds and animals bring new sensations into human life. They teach people to be kinder and more attentive to those who need their help.

Speaking about the beauty of nature, it is impossible not to talk about the sky. It can be different: bright and cheerful, gray and sad, sad. And sometimes the sky is very unpredictable. If the sky is angry, expect deafening peals of thunder and the furious glitter of lightning.

Man and nature have always lived by the law of friendliness. It cannot be otherwise! Nature is the cradle of humanity. And it is very important that each of us is aware of this truth. We must treat nature with deep respect and sincere love. Everything we have, we have thanks to the generosity of nature. Without it, we would have no houses with furniture, no textbooks we use in school, no cars, and no other elements of a comfortable life.

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